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17/40 Stonefields Avenue, Stonefields, Auckland 1072

We know you have lot’s of questions, especially when seeking relief for your pain management. So while we start to prepare the answers to your questions, here a few basic ones you can ask Toni and the team at Headache Solutions:

What is a Physiotherapist?

Physiotherapists are university trained and are experts in injury diagnosis, injury treatment, exercise prescription, injury prevention, rehabilitation and many other areas of sport and health and fitness.

 What is a Watson® Headache Provider 

A Watson® provider is a either a physiotherapist, osteopath or chiropractor with 2 or more years of experience in the musculoskeletal field and has undergone further training to be able to correctly assess and diagnose dysfunction within the top three vertebrae and musculature that in 95% of cases are the cause of headaches, migraines and post concussion symptoms.


How many visits will I need?

The number of treatments will vary depending on the problem and individual. After a thorough assessment, the physiotherapist will discuss their treatment plan for the rehabilitation process.  We like to aim for around 6 sessions.  3 to get patients set up on a treatment plan and a further three to further treat your symptoms.  After that, you may need 3 monthly follow-ups to keep you all in check. The number of sessions needed do vary from patient to patient. The fist three sessions will be within 2 weeks and then they can be spaced out more as your symptoms improve.

What should I wear to my appointment?

You may wish to bring/wear a singlet if your shoulders need to be exposed for treatment.  Otherwise, most treatments only focus on the top of your neck and you will be able to remain fully clothed.  If you have long hair, a hair tie is recommend.

Do I have to be referred by a doctor?

No, physiotherapists can assess and treat without referral by a doctor. 

What do I need to bring?

Be prepared to provide your previous medical or surgical history. If you have them and if they are relevant bring scan/MRI reports, and list of medication. 

If you have Physiotherapy cover included in your policy, then yes. If is up to your insurance and annual limits to how much will be covered. Please contact your insurer to find out how you are covered.

Yes you will be able to drive/travel after your treatment. If you have a long drive or travel after your appointment then we suggest taking a break before you start your journey and a break in the middle if possible.  We will give you advice in clinic in accordance with your situation. 

Treatments aim at relieving your symptoms and in most cases no, you will not get a headache/migraine. Although on the rare occasion, a headache may occur. This can be due to the level of sensitivity in the brainstem and if the headache/migraine cycle has started it can be hard to stop and needs to run its course. If it is your same headache pattern or similar there is no cause for concern. If you experience something different and want advice, please let us know and we can give you advice over the phone.

We see and treat patients for a wide range of conditions and diagnoses. Our main focus is headaches, migraines, vertigo and related conditions.  Although, we are physiotherapists and experienced in full musculoskeletal conditions and able to treat them also. 

You can easily cancel and change your appointments with the link that you receive in the confirmation email.  Appointments less than 24 hours away will require you to call 028 8513 3756 and may incur a cancellation fee.


Ask Toni A Question

To get the best initial advice directly from your physiotherapist, why not try our initial 15 minute consult appointment ?