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17/40 Stonefields Avenue, Stonefields, Auckland 1072

It has been found that headache, migraine and associated symptoms, such as vertigo, nausea, light and sounds sensitivity are all caused by the neck.   This is due to sensitivity in the brainstem as it sits in the top three structures of the neck.  The sensitivity is due to a convergence and overload of trigeminal (CNS) and cervical (neck afferents).  Poor neck function increases the cervical load, and this is then interpreted in the brainstem as trigeminal signals which is then sent to higher centers in the brain and this is where head pain is produced. By bringing down the dysfunction in the upper neck, we reduce the cervical input, reduce the overload and bring down the head pain.  

If you experience neck pain, have had trauma to your neck (motor vehicle accident) or even sit for long periods in a poor posture, you can experience misbehavior at the top of the neck and have it be the cause of your head pain.

Our team of highly trained professionals uses the Dean Watson Approach® to treat headaches.  It has changed the lives of people from all over the globe and is highly reputable and sourced.

We aim to restore you to pain-free health, quickly and easily. We thoroughly evaluate & treat all the contributing root factors related to your issue. This includes, but is not limited to, your work and home stressors, overall body condition, nutrition, genetic & postural habits, emotional connections and patterns that are held in your muscles that affect your head and neck.

Treatment is focused and will involve a 60-minute initial where your headache and symptom patterns will be mapped out, lifestyle and work factors included to gain a full picture of everyday changes that can be made to fast track your recovery.  After all the information is gathered, assessment and treatment are all completed in the first session.  We aim to educate you, so you know the mechanism behind your headache so you can manage your recovery and gain long term results.

Follow-up sessions are 45 minutes long and will involve treatment, reeducation if needed and easy to follow therapeutic exercises where appropriate.  Other modalities such as soft tissue massage, dry needling and fascial scraping may also be used. 

We will aim to see you 6-10 times to achieve long-term results and may advise to have checkups in the future.  Patients that have presented with years of headache pain have achieved the same relief as those with only weeks. Results can vary, although 80% of patients have recorded vast improvements in this time. 


Watson Headache® Approach

The Watson Headache Approach is a method developed by Australian physiotherapist Dean Watson for the management of headaches, particularly those related to dysfunction in the upper cervical spine (neck). This approach is primarily focused on assessing and treating the upper cervical spine to alleviate headache, migraine and associated symptoms.

Here’s a brief overview of the key aspects of the Watson Headache Approach:

  1. Assessment: The approach starts with a thorough assessment of the patient’s headache history, including the type, frequency, duration, and triggers of headaches. Additionally, a detailed examination of the neck and upper cervical spine is conducted to identify any dysfunction or abnormalities.

  2. Cervical Dysfunction Identification: Based on the assessment findings, the physiotherapist identifies any dysfunction or abnormalities in the upper cervical spine that may be contributing to the patient’s headaches. This can include issues such as restricted movement, muscle tension, or joint dysfunction.

  3. Manual Therapy: Manual therapy techniques are then used to address the identified cervical dysfunction. This may include specific mobilization or manipulation techniques aimed at restoring normal movement and function to the upper cervical spine.

  4. Education and Self-Management: Patients are educated about the relationship between their neck function and headaches, as well as strategies for self-management and prevention of future headaches. This may include advice on posture, ergonomics, relaxation techniques, and exercises to improve neck mobility and strength.

  5. Treatment Progression: Treatment is typically progressive, with regular reassessment to monitor progress and adjust the treatment plan as needed. The ultimate goal is to reduce headache frequency, intensity, and duration, and improve the patient’s overall quality of life.

The diagnostic accuracy of the Watson Headache® Approach confirms if disorders in the upper neck are responsible for headache or migraine, determining the exact nature of the disorder, as well as which spinal joints are involved. The Watson Headache® Approach comprises a series of original and other non-high velocity thrust manual techniques and exercises that are embedded in an innovative clinical reasoning process to address a previously (until the early 90s) unrecognised pattern of relevant musculoskeletal misbehaviour. 


Here at Headache Solutions, our main focus is the Watson Headache Approach. This is clinically proven and world-renowned.  With over 27 years research behind it and practicing in over 22 countries around the world. 

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